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Input Balance Power Amplifier 4558 - SMD

Input Balance Power Amplifier 4558 - SMD

Input Balance Power Amplifier is a circuit which will filter the original signal with a shadow signal so it will get a low noise input and a clear signal that will be forwarded to the power amplifier. There is a shadow signal or weakened signal from various interference on long cable input, so expect to use long cable at input either microphone cable or output cable mixer and other audio accessories.

This Input Balance circuit is suitable for installation on Yiroshi Amplifier, SOCL 504, or another power amplifier with no input balance.
This input balance circuit is highly recommended, and it is recommended to use long cable accessories. Do not underestimate the use of long cables, therefore long cable usage is often disrupted by wild signal either from radio frequency, wireless, or other signals. Besides being used for field audio, this input balance circuit can also be used for car audio that already uses a power amplifier, which can filter out wild signals into the car's power amplifier. Usually called audio storing, where the output power amplifier will issue noise that will be louder if RPM up. This input balance circuit can overcome these constraints.

Below the circuit diagram input balance power amplifier:
Input Balance Power Amplifier 4558 CIrcuit
Quantity   References Value Stock Code
5 C1-C4,C8 10U Digikey P5148-ND
2 C5-C6 100n Farnell 499-687
1 C7 220p Farnell 499-609
1 R1 5.60K Digikey 311-5.60KCDKR-ND
1 R2 4.75k Digikey RT0805DRD074K75L-ND
9 R3-R6,R10-R12,R14,R16 10K Digikey P10KCBTR-ND
2 R7-R8 47.0 Digikey RT1206FRE0747RL-ND
2 R9,R15 100k Digikey RT0805DRE07100KL-ND
1 R13 1.2K Digikey P1.2KZTR-ND
1 U1 RC4558
1 OUTPUT SIL-100-02
1 RV1 1k
*Package of SMD components you can search by using keywords from Stock-code.

This input balance can use power supply voltage 15V DC Symmetrical by using Op-Amp IC 4558 with SO8 SMD (Surface Mount Device) Package. Below the PCB layout design Input Balance SMD double layer:
PCB layout Input Balance Power Amplifier 4558 - SMD
PCB Size 25mm X 30mm


8 comments for "Input Balance Power Amplifier 4558 - SMD"

  1. Please sir, i need single sided pcb only, difficult for me to make using double sided pcb.

    1. you can order it via pcb fabrication, and i will give gerber files if i already post on youtube.
      For single sided pcb i will updated soon.

  2. nice bro, i will put this to my yiroshi

  3. Dear Pak Romadhon,

    Some times I see a power amp using an input balanced with bridge switch and output balanced goes to another power amp. Can you teach us how to add bridge switch and output balanced feature?

  4. How are you sir, i just to want to ask if you are able to share also a bridging adapter for power amp, thanks a lot

  5. 220p sama 100n ukurannya brp mas ? Di LCSC agak bingung itu aja
