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Simple 10W High Power LED Driver Circuit

This is my project for handmade flashlight when using 10W High Power LED voltage 12V DC. Indeed, by using this LED light produced is very bright. However, to use this LED requires a power of 10W and 12V stabilized voltage, so that LEDs are more durable long lasting without reducing the productivity of the light produced High Power LED's.

So it takes a LED driver circuit, precisely to control the voltage current and voltage itself. Here ne driver circuit is simple and easy to manufacture only need a few components that are easy to find in stores store and the price is very affordable. It also can use recycled components from the junk PSU.

Simple 10W High Power LED Driver Circuit

Part List Simple High Power LED Driver :
R1_____47 Ohm 1W
R2_____100 Ohm 1/2W
C1_____2200uF /16V
Q1_____NPN Transistor can using ( TIP3055, TIP31,D882)
T1_____A coil obtained from PSU Computer
LED1__10 Watt High Power LED / 12V
Source_ 12 Volt DC can use 12V Car Battery

For Installation, Install transistor with cooling, as well as its LED. See Tested Simple High Power LED Driver Video :

Note : Be careful with lights up current High Power LED, because LEDs also produce heat at the bottom, so do not touch it. Also On the LED front, not to knock, because it can damage the LED.

22 comments for "Simple 10W High Power LED Driver Circuit"

  1. does this limit the current?or is voltage controlled?

  2. and what is the vallue of the coil T1?

    1. the value of t1 is 10uH , you can use from junk psu unit.

  3. What if you wanted a 20w led? What would you have to change?

    1. you can add more transistor for driving the 20W High Power Led

    2. Okay so i add another one? Not sure I understand.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How many turn is required for T1 in the circiut.Can it be obtaine from led driver circuit i.e.ferrite toroid coil

    1. is about 20 turn, you can use from a junk psu computer.

  5. What is the output current(I) in the circuit

    1. it const current output about can drive the leds.. 1.A output we have

  6. battery must have how many amp?

  7. Heat sink must have fan or ia not necessary?and hit sink area must be how many cm?

  8. The coil must be how Many H?

  9. Hello ali Naderi,
    minimum battery 1.Ah,have the fan and large heatsink. is good for leds life. the coil is 10uH

  10. R2 turns on the transistor so that the only thing this is doing is dropping Vce(sat).
    This is not regulating anything, and that would be why the inductor does not matter. Its not doing anything other than soft start when first connected to power.
    With the battery, I would say that the de-coupling capacitor is not needed, there is no switching to buffer.

  11. the capacitor is not for decoupling, but for more stabilizing voltage.

  12. La tension de seuil 12v de la LED1 est égale à celle de Vcc ce qui laisse entendre que la LED1 chute la tension Vcc toute entière. Le transistor doit donc être saturé avec Vce nulle et par suite R1 devient sans utilité pour dissiper un excès de tension qui fait défaut. Il y a lieu de noter que le courant d'intensité 1A parcourant la LED1 est un courant de surcharge susceptible de la détruire car la puissance nominale 10 Watt donne un courant maximal égal à 0,833A. La résistance R1 étant connectée à l'émetteur a tendance à ajouter à la résistance de la base R2 une valeur R'=(bêta+1)*R1 qui n'a rien de mieux que de perturber le calcul du courant de commande Ib. Je devine que l'inducteur T1 n'a pas l'air de lisser le courant de sortie puisque le transistor, comme générateur de courant, est censé débiter un courant Ic stable et indépendant de tous les composants extérieurs.

  13. hi there can I use IRF540N mosfet instead
